
Survivors of domestic and sexual violence face a number of serious housing problems related to the acts of violence committed against them. This training will discuss the various rights and protections available to survivors of domestic violence including State and Federal laws. We will also touch upon the changes made recently to VAWA protections. This training is meant to serve as a primer for attorneys interested in learning more about the laws passed to improve the safety of domestic violence survivors and protect them from being evicted because of the criminal acts of their abusers.


Taylor Brewer, California Women’s Law Center
Rachael Andrews, Venskus & Associates, A.P.C.

The Legal Aid Association of California (LAAC) is an approved multi-activity MCLE provider (Provider #2303).

LAAC’s trainings are intended for legal aid advocates. If you are not a civil legal aid attorney, please consider donating here.

The Legal Aid Association of California (LAAC) produces trainings designed for civil legal aid and pro bono attorneys throughout the state, bringing the experts directly to the advocates helping low-income Californians. Technology permitting, all trainings are recorded and archived for later on-demand viewing by advocates. This training is intended to provide legal information, not legal advice, for the purposes of training only practicing attorneys. The legal information in this webinar is not intended to be a substitute for seeking personalized legal advice from an attorney licensed to practice in your jurisdiction.

Housing Barriers: Housing Rights and Protections for DV Survivors

April 6, 2023

Sponsoring Organization(s):

MCLE Hours:

Training Series:

MCLE Special Requirements: