The 4 Day Work Week Improves Wellbeing and Increases Equity. Can It Work in Legal Aid?
The movement for a 4-day work week has gained traction in recent years with reported benefits for both employees and employers. But can it work for legal aid? Jenny Farrell, Executive Director of Mental Health Advocacy Services, will discuss her organization’s move to a four-day work week and what it has meant for both employees […]
How to Have Hard Conversations with Clients & Co-workers- Part 1
Challenging conversations are an inevitable part of our work – both with clients and with our legal aid co-workers. The extraordinarily stressful life circumstances many clients face, disagreements about case strategy and service delivery, and other challenging factors can lead to adversarial conversations. This training will offer strategies for navigating difficult conversations, including discussion of […]
Impaired Colleague? Addressing Attorney Competency, the Warning Signs, and Getting Help
This program will provide information on identifying and detecting substance use and mental health issues among attorneys, an attorney’s duties regarding an impaired colleague, how to discuss possible impairment issues with a colleague, developing a self-care plan and wellness strategies, and knowing where to find help, including the Lawyer Assistance Program (LAP) and other resources. […]
Protected: LAAC Members Only: Exploring the Intersection of Mindfulness and DEI
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Disability Visibility in Legal Aid
This January, LAAC and Disability Rights California co-hosted a panel discussion by and for legal aid workers with disabilities. The goal of the event was to hold space for legal aid workers with disabilities to share our experiences, information, and personal narratives about being out as disabled in the workplace, and to celebrate our collective […]