The Center providers leadership in advancing laws and policies that secure justice to improve the lives and opportunities of people living in poverty.
For over 40 years, the Shriver Center has improved lives through the development of innovative and effective programs and policies that advance justice and opportunity. Our work has been recognized by prominent foundations across the country, including the MacArthur Foundation, which honored us with its 2010 MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions.
Access to justice and equal opportunity under the law are fundamental American values. We ensure that laws and policies provide low-income people with access to adequate health care, decent housing, a safety net, and opportunities to achieve their full potential. We advocate for positive policy and systems changes on a range of issues, including asset building, budget and taxes, community justice, economic justice, education, health care, housing, and challenges facing women and girls. Most importantly, we ensure that the voices of marginalized people are heard.
The Shriver Center achieves its mission through two programs. Our Advocacy Program works collaboratively with community organizations, service providers, legislators, and other allies to pursue justice for low-income clients. Our Advocate Resources and Training Program trains and connects equal justice providers nationwide to strengthen the ability of these advocates and their organizations to help drive systems change.