LAAC Coordination Groups

LAAC coordinates groups of advocates that share common interests or do similar work. Most groups meet at least once a year and keep in touch throughout the year via phone calls and listservs. LAAC’s primary coordination groups are listed below, but we often create ad hoc meeting groups – sign up for LAAC’s newsletter or listservs to stay in the loop! 

Directors of Litigation and Advocacy (DoLA) Section

LAAC’s Directors of Litigation and Advocacy (DoLA) group and listserv is used for sharing substantive legal information, continuing discussions from the in-person meetings, and coordinating statewide responses to recent developments and legislative issues. It is open to any Directors of Litigation, Advocacy, and Training, as well as Executive Directors or Directing/Managing Attorneys at programs that do not have a position with the title of Director of Litigation, Advocacy, or Training.

If you would like more information, please contact Lorin Kline at

Support Center Section

LAAC’s Support Center group includes California’s 21 Support Centers, organizations which provide support to legal services programs. This group has a listserv and meets by zoom at least once per year.

Support Centers in California function as a vital network of programs providing technical assistance and substantive back-up to the direct services programs. Support Centers provide support service to legal services offices in the following areas: training, technical assistance, and advocacy.

Please note that Support Centers provide supportive services to legal services organizations, which provide direct legal services to low-income and other underrepresented clients. Support Centers do not accept or respond to direct inquiries from individuals seeking legal assistance.

We strongly encourage staff at legal services programs to make use of the resources available through the Support Center system!

 LAAC’s 2018-19 California Legal Services Support Center Directory (56-page PDF) has contacts, descriptions of each Center’s substantive work, etc. so that legal services attorneys can find the support they need.

If you would like more information, please contact Lorin Kline at

Senior Legal Services Providers (SLSPs) Section

LAAC’s Senior Legal Services Provider (SLSP) group provides training and coordination support for legal services programs serving older Californians. Organizations funded through the IOLTA system as well as through the Older Americans Act (Title III-B funding) participate in the section. The group has a listserv (operated by another organization) and meets at least once per year. 

For more information about the SLSP section, or how to get involved, contact Lorin Kline at