New executive directors of legal aid organizations often face a mountain of issues as they get settled into their role. LAAC tries to make it easier. LAAC’s Executive Director is always available by phone and email for questions! Feel free to call at 510-893-3000.
Ways for your organization to save money
Look here for a full page of links about discounts that may help you save some time, money, and other resources. These include potential discounts on insurance, retirements plans, case management systems, and more.
LAAC operates several listservs for our members to communicate and collaborate on a variety of topics and for a variety of purposes. Check out this full list of our listservs and groups, as well as a list of relevant and popular listservs run by other organizations.
Diversity Initiatives
As part of our ongoing support of increasing diversity in the profession, we have gathered some resources on increasing diversity in legal aid.
Archived online trainings, especially specialty credits
We keep a video archive of webinar trainings, and they are available for your and your staff for on-demand viewing. You can search and filter the archive to topic, trainer, type of CLE credit, etc.
Important Trainings and Conferences
Check out this list of California statewide and national conferences and events relevant to legal aid and attended by folks from our community.
Current Legislative Advocacy
Here you can find an up to date list of bills on which LAAC has taken a position, as well as any bills that are sponsored by our member organizations. We also include the status of the bill, available materials, and template letters.
Amicus work
LAAC sometimes becomes involved in litigation as amicus curiae to represent the interests of the legal aid community as a whole. We post updates about these here on our site. LAAC is always open to hearing from its member programs and interested community members regarding the potential for new amicus advocacy efforts!
Benefits of membership
Are you curious about all that you get as part of your LAAC membership? Check here, and make sure you are taking advantage of all of the many benefits we provide.
Our training calendar
We keep an up-to-date calendar of all upcoming trainings that may be of interest to legal aid staff. This includes trainings put on by LAAC, as well as any others that might be relevant. Subscribe and keep yourself in the loop, and feel free to submit your own events and trainings for the calendar!
Follow us to stay up to date!
We regularly post updates both about all of LAAC’s programming and resources, and about any news or information pertinent to legal aid, on our LinkedIn. This includes updates on our advocacy to secure more legal aid funding and announcements about upcoming trainings, so be sure to follow us and check back for updates!
Important Trainings and Conferences
California events
Class Action Conference
For those engaged in complex impact litigation, every year the Impact Fund holds an annual Class Action Conference (February) bringing together leading plaintiffs’ class action practitioners to discuss important new developments, share knowledge and ideas, and develop strategies for the future, and a Class Action Training Institute (September), designed for attorneys who have limited experience in class action litigation and/or some exposure to general litigation and are looking to expand their plaintiff-side class action capacity.
Executive Fellowship
OneJustice offers 10-month management training program aimed at training current executives and the next generation of nonprofit leaders. Many leaders in the California legal aid community participate in the Fellowship. It is open to executive directors and senior management at IOLTA funded and public interest nonprofit organizations.
Organized by OneJustice.
Pro Bono Conference/Regional Meetings
These conferences and regional meetings are hosted regularly by through the year. At each gathering, participants from all legal aid organizations, law schools, law firms, and in-house legal departments come together to share trainings, resources, and discussions on topics specific to pro bono in California — including best practices, unmet needs, and replicable projects.
Organized by OneJustice.
Conference on Elder Abuse
Each year, this conference brings together leaders in a broad range of professions, to focus on the latest tools and updates in elder abuse. This statewide conference covers a broad range of interconnected issues including: capacity and undue influence, litigation techniques in financial elder abuse cases, an overview of Adult Protective Services and the forensics of bruising.
Organized by Legal Assistance for Seniors.
Annual Elder Law Conference
Conference participants will be able to choose from thirteen different sessions on a variety of elder law issues, including overview of the new Medi-Cal recovery laws, Ask the Experts with DHCS eligibility and recovery staff, home and community based services, SNFs, RCFE & ADA litigation issues, Estate Planning and elder abuse litigation updates, and an intensive on Special Needs & Alternatives.
Organized by California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform.
National events
Equal Justice Conference
This is a national conference hosted by the American Bar Association and the National Legal Aid and Defender Association. It brings together people from across the county to discuss equal justice issues as they relate to the delivery of legal services to the poor and low-income individuals in need of legal assistance. Unlike the NLADA Annual conference which focuses on trainings in many substantive specific areas, the emphasis of this Conference is on strengthening partnerships among the key players in the civil justice system.
Organized by the NLADA and the ABA.
Legal Services Corporation Tech Innovations Conference (TIG Conference)
The Legal Services Corporation hosts this conference every years as part of their Technology Initiative Grants (TIG) program. It is attended by a broad community of people interested in exploring innovative ways of using technology to promote access to justice and legal aid (not just LSC-funded orgs). The Conference brings together technologists, legal aid advocates, court personnel, academics and other professionals to showcase technology projects and tools being implemented across the country and internationally.
Organized by LSC.
NLADA Annual Conference
NLADA’s Annual Conference is the leading national training event of the year for the civil legal aid, indigent defense, and public interest law communities. The conference offers advocates the substantive information and professional skills they need to respond to the legal needs of low-income people, along with the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with colleagues from across the country.
Organized by the NLADA.
Self-Represented Litigation Network Conference
This conference hosted by the Self-Represented Litigation Network, previously held in conjunction with other state and national conferences but more recently offered as a standalone event, occurs annually. It is a two-day national conference for lawyers, judges, clerks of court, self-help services professionals, librarians, technologists, funders and other allied professionals to explore and develop successful strategies and new thinking for providing 100% access to justice. It is well-attended by legal aid leaders and staff and covers many substantive issues of relevance to legal aid.
Organized by SRLN and the Judicial Council of California’s Center for Families, Children & the Courts, with help from LAAC.
Annual Health Advocates Conference
Each year, this conference is designed to advance NHeLP’s mission – securing health rights for our nation’s most vulnerable individuals – by educating national and state-based health advocates on the most pressing legal and advocacy challenges and opportunities facing our country. Over three days, guests, NHeLP experts and prominent health leaders will participate in workshops on Medicaid, state health insurance Exchanges, and health reform implementation; develop strategy and opportunities for health advocacy; and parse the issues and assess the legislative and administrative landscapes going forward.
Organized by National Health Law Program.
Housing Justice National Meeting
Approximately every eighteen months, HJN convenes a two-day national meeting to discuss current and emerging issues, hear from national policymakers, and develop a policy advocacy agenda.
Organized by National Housing Law Project
MIE New Executive Director Training
Organized by Management, Innovation, and Excellence for Legal Aid