Each year, LAAC offers the Dan Bradley Fellowship to fund law students who want to spend their summer working at a LAAC member legal aid organization. The Fellowship is awarded to outstanding students who want to pursue a career in public interest law and who want to spend their summer working in a rural area or on a rural issue. The Dan Bradley Fellowship not only gives law students the opportunity to explore a career in legal services, it offers legal services programs a new source of dedicated and energetic summer staff.
More about the Dan Bradley Fellowship
Following are the 2012 Dan Bradley Fellows.
Angelica Salceda (UC Berkley School of Law ’13)
California Rural Legal Assistance Inc.
Angelica will work on a project aimed towards helping hundreds of thousands of people living in disadvantaged, unincorporated communities. She will be helping residents in these communities fight for the most basic features of a safe and healthy environment – potable drinking water, sewer systems, safe housing, public transportation, access to healthy food, sidewalks, streetlights, and parks.
Lucy Walker (Boston College Law School ’13)
California Indian Legal Services
Lucy will work on a variety of projects that range from issues of probate and jurisdiction to the Federal Trust Doctrine and the relevant actions of the Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs. She will work with tribal clients to protect religious freedoms and practices as well as with individuals to help resolve civil rights issues, possibly including hate crimes.
Emily Zushi (UC Davis School of Law ’13)
California Indian Legal Services
This summer’s project will help address the problem of fractionated trust land. The project will begin with a study of CILS clients communities to identify each tribe’s specific concerns regarding intestacy. Next, an analysis of which tribe’s probate codes that have been approved by the Secretary and which have been rejected will provide insight into the best way to construct a model probate code. Emily will then draft a model probate code and note optional sections that can be tailored to suit each individual tribes needs. Finally, she will design a short presentation that can be used to educate tribal councils about their options for adopting their own probate court.